Arrival to the Significant Space

“Arrival in a Place of Significance” is the first joint project by renowned artists Irina Drozd and Dmitry Shorin. The exhibition invites visitors to reinterpret the historic Moscow tenement building of the First Russian Insurance Company, built in 1906 and located at 21/5 Kuznetsky Most Street. “Visitors be able to experience the atmosphere of returning to the tenement building, which is now inhabited by peculiar ghosts of the past rather than by living people, reflecting the cultural layers and the ideology of the time,” said Anton Uspensky, curator of the exhibition.

There is no waste

Tomatdesign was tasked with creating a name and visual identity that would reflect this global concept and resonate with the widest possible audience in various countries.

Traditions, craftsmanship, quality

Tomatdesign has updated the corporate identity and packaging for the Sarepta brand, one of the oldest mustard producers in Russia. The history of the Sarepta trademark begins in the 18th century. The brand goes through several eras, and this is reflected in its image. One of the agency’s tasks was to find a solution in which the brand would look relevant and at the same time maintain a connection with its rich history.

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